Frank Stronach – Changing the World Through Business and Philanthropy

Welcome to the official website of Frank Stronach, a visionary entrepreneur, philanthropist, and dedicated advocate for positive change. Explore his remarkable journey, impactful ventures, and commitment to making a difference.

What Drives Frank Stronach

Frank Stronach has built successful companies from scratch. Created tens of thousands of jobs, and changed the way industries operate.

Throughout his career, he has been driven by the desire to create an environment where people can reach their full potential and share in the success of the businesses he has built.

Frank Stronach’s Plan for People to be Happy and Free Economically.

Frank Stronach champions the opportunity to accumulate wealth, escape poverty, and grow up healthy and happy. Continuously searching for ways to give people greater opportunities to improve their lives, whether through skills training, profit sharing, or programs providing children with healthy meals, Stronach is dedicated to the pursuit of individual happiness and economic freedom. His mantra underscores that the only true measurement of success is the degree of happiness attained. His core philosophy recognizes people’s fundamental desires for personal freedom, allowing them to choose their road to happiness, and economic freedom, enabling financial independence.

Who is Frank Stronach

Delve into the extraordinary life story of Frank Stronach, including his early upbringing, educational background, and the significant milestones that shaped his career.

Early Years

Explore Stronach’s humble beginnings in Austria and his unwavering determination to create a better life for himself and others.


Learn about the numerous awards and accolades that recognize Stronach’s outstanding contributions in business and philanthropy.

The 7-Point Program

Uncover Frank Stronach’s comprehensive 7-point program aimed at driving positive change and creating a better society:

Philanthropy & Social Impact

Enhancing Health

Discover Stronach’s initiative to promote the health and wellbeing of school children through organic food and nutritional education.

Humanitarian Efforts

Explore Stronach’s philanthropic endeavors that have made a lasting impact on communities affected by natural disasters and humanitarian crises.

Environmental Conservation

Learn about Stronach’s commitment to preserving and protecting the environment through various conservation initiatives.

Business Ventures


Automotive Industry

Find out about Stronach’s revolutionary ventures in the automotive industry, including the creation of the iconic Magna International.


Real Estate Development

Explore Stronach’s innovative projects in real estate development, combining sustainability and architectural excellence.


Green Energy

Discover how Stronach has played a pivotal role in advancing zero-emission solutions globally, shaping a greener and more sustainable future.


Thoroughbred Racing

Learn about Stronach’s love for horses and his influential contributions to the world of thoroughbred racing.

Media & Publications

Inspiring Books

Discover Stronach’s literary works that unveil his unique insights into entrepreneurship, leadership, and creating positive social change.

Noteworthy Interviews

Explore interviews and podcasts featuring Stronach where he shares his wisdom, experiences, and vision for a better world.

Influential Articles

Dive into thought-provoking articles written by Stronach, covering a wide range of topics from business strategies to philanthropy.

High interest rates and inflation has put Canadians on a financial precipice

Canadians are worried about runaway inflation, rising interest rates and their personal finances. Many are burdened with a lot of debt. And a growing number of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque and just scraping by. A study published last month by MNP, Canada’s largest consumer insolvency firm, showed that more than 50 per cent of Canadians say they are only $200 away from being unable to meet their financial obligations. What’s more, according to MNP, two-thirds of Canadians are concerned about their ability to pay their debts due to rising interest rates, and approximately three in five Canadians say they’ll be in financial difficulty if interest rates go much higher. That sort of stress and economic worry is putting

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Giving employees an ownership stake

Giving employees a stake in the company they work for has been one of my guiding business philosophies. I’ve always believed that if employees have a real and tangible stake in the company’s success — if employees are part-owners — then they will be more motivated to produce a better product for a better price. The reason why is simple: as an owner or part-owner, you instinctively want to do everything to the best of your abilities. You want to produce work of the highest calibre because you’re part of something you take pride in. And most importantly, you know that your contributions to the bottom line will be financially rewarded. In the last federal budget, the Canadian government announced

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The government beast must be tamed

Who is the largest employer in Canada? You might think it would be one of the big banks or maybe a company like Bell or Loblaw. But you’d be wrong. It’s the federal government. Governments at all levels and their multitude of agencies, Crown corporations and departments employ a large chunk of Canada’s labour market. According to the Fraser Institute, as of July 2022, Canada’s public sector represented 21.8 per cent of all jobs in the economy — and growing. That means that nearly one out of every four Canadians works for the government — a staggering percentage, which is nearly double that of the United States and almost the same as communist Venezuela. The federal government alone has more

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Fixing capitalism by mandating profit sharing

One of my favourite books published over the last few years is “Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few,” by Robert Reich, a public policy professor at UC Berkeley and secretary of labour in the Clinton administration. Reich’s main argument is that capitalism is damaged and that the rich are getting richer while the poor and middle class are getting poorer, creating the greatest income inequality and wealth disparity in nearly a century. He’s right that capitalism is a system that enriches only a few. I also agree with Reich’s call for a revival of corporate profit sharing, which was much more widespread in the 20th century, when some of America’s biggest and most well-known companies had profit-sharing programs.

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Give young Canadians – and Canada – a break. Teach them trades

When most Canadians think of quality products made with a high level of technical skill and engineering, they usually think of Europe. And for good reason: European countries such as Switzerland, Germany, France, Sweden and Italy are all exporters of world-class products. These products include BMW and Siemens from Germany, Ferrari and Ducati from Italy, Cartier and Michelin from France, Kuehne + Nagel and Schindler from Switzerland, and Electrolux and Husqvarna from Sweden. These brands — as well as other quality products from Europe — are synonymous around the world with state-of-the-art engineering, technical precision and know-how, and reliability. It’s why the European Union has one of the strongest and most productive economies in the world and why European living

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The government beast must be tamed

Who is the largest employer in Canada? You might think it would be one of the big banks or maybe a company like Bell or Loblaw. But you’d be wrong. It’s the federal government. Governments at all levels and their multitude of agencies, Crown corporations and departments employ a large chunk of Canada’s labour market. According to the Fraser Institute, as of July 2022, Canada’s public sector represented 21.8 per cent of all jobs in the economy — and growing. That means that nearly one out of every four Canadians works for the government — a staggering percentage, which is nearly double that of the United States and almost the same as communist Venezuela. The federal government alone has more

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Witness the transformative power of Frank Stronach’s philanthropic efforts through captivating images of impactful projects.

Business Ventures

Experience the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship showcased through captivating visuals of Stronach’s successful ventures.

Personal Moments

Discover intimate moments from Stronach’s personal life, celebrating the importance of family and cherished memories.


Access a wealth of resources including articles, videos, and learning materials that delve deeper into Frank Stronach’s inspiring journey, visionary ideas, and philanthropic initiatives.


Articles & Publications

Explore a curated collection of articles and publications that shed light on various aspects of Stronach’s life and work.


Videos & Interviews

Watch insightful videos and interviews featuring Frank Stronach, offering valuable knowledge and inspiration.


Educational Materials

Discover educational resources designed to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs and changemakers.


Reach out to Frank Stronach and his team to discuss collaborations, speaking engagements, or any inquiries you may have. They look forward to hearing from you.

Discover the Life and Legacy of Frank Stronach

Step into the world of Frank Stronach and experience his journey from nothing to everything. Our gallery showcases the incredible life of this billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist, featuring interactive exhibits, entrepreneurial insights, and reflections on the industries he has impacted.

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